EU Data Collection Framework Denmark

Fisheries data collection in Denmark

This website informs the involved institutions, the EU Commission and the public about the fisheries data collection carried out in Denmark according to the EU Data Collection Framework (DCF).

Management of fish stocks in the EU relies on scientific advice, and is therefore dependent on accurate, relevant and up-to-date data. Since 2001, the common fisheries policy has set aside funding to help national authorities collect both economic and biological data about all aspects of fisheries management and make them publically available.

The data collection comprises landings, effort and fleet characteristics, biological data on fish stocks, the economic situation of the fishing fleet and the aquaculture sector, and data on the fish processing industry.

In Denmark, the data are collected by DTU Aqua at the Technical University of Denmark, Statistic Denmark, the Danish Fisheries Agency and the Department of Food and Resource Economics at University of Copenhagen. The Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries of Denmark is the overall responsible for the programme.

The research vessel Dana in the North Sea. Photo: Line Reeh

European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund


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Data collection

 DTU logo Statistics Denmark logo 
Logo of Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Logo of University of Copenhagen
22 OCTOBER 2024